Thursday, February 03, 2005

Sweat till you can't sweats no more

24 hours of semi-torture are over. Two papers cranked out.. I'm getting good at this. I'm looking forward to this weekend. It'll be the first real weekend in quite awhile where I don't have anything pressing to do. Just sit back and relax for awhile.

I'm kinda ticked at right now. I ordered some books from them on January 23 and I got an email that because I chose their SuperSaver shipping (read: free) I won't be getting the books until February 22-26. That is just horrible, I mean really. Especially considering I have a paper on one of the books due the 26. Guess that's what I get for using the INTERNET!!!

In other news, I made a website for work. I had to practice embedding a Real file, so naturally Realplayer (hiss!) is required. I know Real Player sucks, but I had to use it. Anyway, it's here. It's pretty dumb and simple, but it was the first time I've really used HTML in probably 4-5 years. Yay to me.

Things are slow still at the office, although today like half the people were out with the flu. It's spreading.. people are dropping like flies. J is coming down with it, which means he'll probably snore alot the next couple nights. Hope it goes by quickly.

I found the following humorous:

Moxa: it's a girl
Moxa: named cinnamon
bpw whirl: Does she have a sister named Nutmeg?
bpw whirl: a brother named Barley?
Moxa: I don't have thyme for this nonsense

College is hilarious.