At work, updating this thing once again. Nothing to do here, once again. Man, I hope stuff picks up soon. I've learned as many programs as can as well as I can... I think the only way I can learn more is by actually using the programs on projects. Cause I can only do so much if I don't have any real content to work with. Ah well. Maybe I'll check out a camera here in a little bit and go out and shoot some random footage and bring it back here to edit... I don't have anything else to do.
Anyway, we're still feeling the aftermath of that ice storm here. There's snow (!) still on the ground. Moxa told me last night that he and his girlfriend went sledding. SLEDDING. I've never been sledding.. and I've always wanted to do it. The most snow I've ever seen on the ground at any time was probably about 1/2''.. barely enough to make snowballs with. I would like to experience a good 8-10'' blizzard some time. Man, that would be pretty cool.
So, I've got this idea for a music video that I would like to do.. now that I finally have the equipment necessary to make one. The concept isn't a very difficult or deep one.. mainly just a guy walking around campus singing a song. I'm pretty sure I'm going to use a Linkin Park song. The guy will have some headphones on and will actually be listening to the song, so he will be mouthing the correct lyrics at the correct time. I'm basically just going for a flowing timeline here... although at the end, I'm planning on having the screen kind of explode or the guy start running or jumping or something.. right at the point where most Linkin Park songs just go crazy: " more than I can taaaaake-- *BAM!* I've become so numb..." I think I'm going to use J or Moxa as the star of the movie. Now that I think about it, I think I'm gonna use the semi-new Linkin Park/JayZ song.. there's a cool part in that song where a guy sighs in the background, and I just thought of a cool image of somebody standing still and breathing in the cold Athens air that is outside right now. Of course, I cant really get J or Moxa to rap like JayZ, so they could just sing Chester's parts. This is gonna be tight.
Oh yeah, I made this last night. It's my new logo:
Monday, January 31, 2005
Cookin' raw with the Brooklyn boy..
Posted by
10:59 AM
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Are you who you want to be..
So yeah, been a few busy days since I posted in this mother. Lessee..
Last Thursday there was this big NASCAR themed dinner at the dining halls here on campus. Since the University only does this type of thing once every 5-6 weeks or so, J and I were pretty excited. Since it was touted as a NASCAR event, we didn't really know what to expect. J was hoping there would be a car parked inside the dining hall. Well, it wasn't inside, but it was pretty darn close...
So we posed with the car and got our picture taken.. "That's how we roll." Inside, the food was actually pretty darn good. AWESOME cake, some good steak, a pretty good hotdog (which I decked out with some chunky chili, cheese, mustard, and cole slaw..) and some other good stuff. Some guy was in the lobby hawking these little mini-corndog bite things that were pretty good.
Anyway, I went home this weekend to visit the 'rents and KT. I didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted to with ANYONE though. I didn't get home until like 7:15pm Friday night.. and after a long day of work I only stayed awake until around midnight. But anyway, I woke up on Saturday with plans to goto KT's only to have this greet me:
That's not my car (I drive's a truck) but you get the picture. ICE RAIN. w00t. Which means ICED ROADS. /w00t. So I spent about 15 minutes scraping ice off my windshield and windows and trekked out to KT's. Here's a snapshot of GA, buried under a blanket of purple wonderfulness.
Posted by
6:23 PM
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Made a couple images today at work. One is below. It needs work (a bit too empty) but we'll see what happens with it. Click it to view the full image.
Just finished reading 2 articles for my "History of America 1945-Present" class. One about the evolution of the "going steady" trned that began in the 1950s. I did not know this, but apparently before World War II the dating scene was much different. It centered around dating as many popular people as you could to in turn become popular yourself. If you dated only one person, you essentially amounted to nothing more than a social outcast. The author of the article pointed out how this disparity in dating practice highlights differences between the teenagers of the 30s/early 40s and the teenagers of the 50s. The dating scene of the 30s/40s was driven by competition whereas the 50s were dominated by a desire for security as opposed to popularity. Having a steady boyfriend/girlfriend removed the stress and hassle of continuous dating. I think I prefer the steady method... hah, especially considering I've been dating the same girl now for over 4 years.
Posted by
9:17 PM
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
A revised version of the below picture. Not sure which I like better.
Posted by
10:10 PM
I made this a couple minutes ago. Silly picture, but I'm brushing up on photoshop skills for my job. It's pretty basic, but yeah.. here it is:
Posted by
9:30 PM
And I'll be back in the high life again
At work posting this, again. We've got a meeting in approximately 20 minutes, and I have nothing to do until then. So here I is.
J has been exploring the vastness of the online Winamp world and has come across a ton of streaming TV and radio channels. Most are horrible, but a select few have pretty decent feeds. All the official Winamp streams are top notch. KT told me about some Lindsey Lohan video she saw and how it was such a piece of crap, so of course I searched for it. Querying "Lohan" popped up 2 results:
1) Some weird video about Lindsey Lohan wanting to date some guy, but his parents won't let him (no doubt, they are frightened of her boobs). So, in rebellion, the two of them run off and start making out in an abandoned house. Mmmmk. Next we see them at some party when the guy's dad shows up and hauls him off. That wasn't even halfway through the video, but I stopped it there. Boring.
2) This one was titled "Rumors" and features tons of paparazzi following Lohan around clubs and whatnot. Almost immediately, I hated this video with a passion. As Lohan flits around various clubs and elevators, she touches her hair and puts her hands above her head about 345,008,320 times. And as she's doing it, all the other girls in the club are doing the same thing. Have girls evolved some sort of anti-gravity propulsion system in their hands, and no one told me? Anyway, the video is very much a Britney Spears-clone. Amidst Lohan's gyrating on the walls and floor of an elevator and swinging around in a giant bird cage (?), she tries to throw in one of those multi-dancer dances on a rooftop. Too bad she sucks at it. Her "moves" consist of bending her knees and covering her face. Go Lindsey, get down wit yo bad self.
So anyway, she's singing about wanting to be left alone by paparazzi and the like. Well.. honey.. you entered the wrong profession. You had to have noticed all the people who have come before you, trying to do the actress/singer role. Why does she think she would be any different, especially considering that she's a pretty girl with huge boobs? Doing nearly nude photo shoots, appearing on SNL, having top-grossing movies... surely the paparazzi would overlook that, right? Gah.
Posted by
9:39 AM
Monday, January 24, 2005
The below is now Office Space
Typing this from work. I might start updating this thing from work, at least on my lunch breaks I guess (while I devour a bag lunch from the dining hall). The past couple of weeks I have started working at my new job here at OISD. Basically, my responsibilities here include editing video/audio, shooting lectures, and generally anything multimedia-wise that could be needed by a faculty member here at UGA. The equipment they have here is all really nice, top of the line stuff. Only problem is that right now there really isn't anything to do. With it being the start of the semester, there aren't many jobs for us to cover just yet. So I've just been getting used to the nifty software programs they have on this computer, like LiveType and DVD Studio Pro. Oh, btw.. I've got my own OFFICE and my own COMPUTER. It's a G4 Mac with all the bells and whistles. It's nice. But like I said, it gets pretty boring here not having anything to do. I'm working 20 hours a week here and then I have 12 hours of classes scheduled around this job. Unfortunately, that means I'm out of my room from 8:30am-5:00pm every weekday. I guess that makes my life seem more like I have a real 8 hour job.. not sure if I like waking up that early though. Today is payday though, so that's always fun.. we'll see exactly how much I end up receiving after taxes. BEFORE taxes, I should receive $320 for two weeks work. Ah well, money is money. And it's going to a good cause.
Posted by
2:36 PM
Monday, January 17, 2005
You Are 29 Years Old |
29 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
Posted by
7:02 PM