... is a strange time to try growing a beard, but I'm doing it anyway. It all started with a move, of all things. The wife and baby and I have moved out of our townhouse in the city (where we had been for over 3 years) to a rental house located in a small town about 30 minutes away. I'm still adjusting to the longer commute, but other than that things are going pretty smoothly. We wanted a place that was all one story, as we did not want to have the baby dealing with stairs once she learns to crawl and walk. The house also comes with a great fenced in backyard that Bauer absolutely l-o-v-e-s. He will bolt out of the backdoor and sprint after the squirrels.

It's funny because the squirrel ends up dead.

It's funny because the squirrel ends up dead.
Anyway, I was talking about my beard. It all started when my electric razor and its cord were packed and I could not find them. After a week, they were finally located, but by that time I had grown more facial hair than I ever had before. So I decided to just go with it. We'll see how it looks after 3 weeks or so, at which point I will make the judgment call as to whether Sir Beard will live or meet his fate via the blade.

Evidence of said beard. And also evidence that my offspring is ridiculously cute.
I also realized (yet again) last night that I'm all grown up. As I mentioned, we now are in a house. With a yard. That needs to be maintained. Which means I bought a lawn mower a couple weeks ago, and last night I used it for the first time. And I'm pleased to say that it was the easiest lawn mower I've ever used. Started up easily with one crank, and everything was smooth sailing from there. It's an assisted push Craftsman with variable speed control. Took about an hour to mow the front, side, and back yards. Next time, I'm going to crack out the iPod so I'll have something to listen to.
Which brings me to the topic of Podcasts. I've never really owned an iPod- I have one that technically belongs to my office, and I haven't used it much. But that is about to change. Between mowing the lawn and commuting 30 minutes to work (and back), I've decided I'm going to begin listening to music and Podcasts. Problem is, I don't really know where to start as far as podcasts go. I'm going to being checking out the Bombcast from Giantbomb.com, and the Joystiq podcast. We'll see if I like them. Do you have any you would suggest? I'm open for trying just about anything.

Evidence of said beard. And also evidence that my offspring is ridiculously cute.
Which brings me to the topic of Podcasts. I've never really owned an iPod- I have one that technically belongs to my office, and I haven't used it much. But that is about to change. Between mowing the lawn and commuting 30 minutes to work (and back), I've decided I'm going to begin listening to music and Podcasts. Problem is, I don't really know where to start as far as podcasts go. I'm going to being checking out the Bombcast from Giantbomb.com, and the Joystiq podcast. We'll see if I like them. Do you have any you would suggest? I'm open for trying just about anything.