Monday, March 30, 2009

Make it (stop) rain

It's rained for the past 4 days. Make it stop.

Went to Gwinnett county for J's birthday party this past weekend, and had a really great time. We were able to see Moxa's new house for the first time- I was very impressed! We took the baby, and she did extremely well. Very well behaved as she was passed around from person to person. Moxa busted out the grill, and he cooked some awesome hamburgers and brats. Mmmmmmmmmm. So delicious. We followed that up with a game of Quelf, which is a board game I had never heard of. It is basically just a game of complete random tomfoolery. I had to talk like a pirate for the entire game, while Moxa had to regale the group with tales of his childhood in Sri Lanka caring for timberwolves. Silly silly game.

Baby is now 9 weeks old, and she's a beast. She's started regularly sleeping about 7 hours each night, which I am a huge fan of. She smiles big now, too!

The next few weeks are going to be incredibly busy for me. At least I shouldn't be too bored!