So, work was crazy today. I don't think I had a down-time once I set foot inside. We immediately left to go shoot a package about Peach County's refusal to allow ppl to build new mobile homes. So I did all the shooting for this thing (plus a quick VO/SOT) and the editing. It was busy, but fun.
The cool thing though is this: this guy that we interviewed unfortunately lost his mobile home to fire a few years back. Well, the county commissioners have refused to allow him to build a replacement home in the EXACT same place in the SAME mobile home park he lived in before. He had been trying to contact the commissioners to find out why, etc. for the past few months to no avail.
Well, the reporter I worked with today ended up calling the head commissioner and asking all these really evil investigative questions. For example:
"Why is the county commission delaying discussion of this moratorium against mobile homes? Are you aware that there are people who are homeless? I have a source that says this entire thing is just because of a power struggle between you and a disgruntled citizen..."
I laughed pretty hard. Well, anyway, about 30 minutes after grilling the guy, we get an official fax from Peach County stating that next Monday they will be holding a special meeting to discuss the mobile home ban.
How SWEET is that? I've never really been an instrument for social change. It's cool. I'm glad it happened too, small-town politics can be pretty damned annoying sometimes.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Great googily moogily
Posted by
12:45 AM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Stay quiet, stay close they can't hear
Well, got about a month left until I'm back in Athens. I'm looking forward to the apartment life and (suprisingly) my classes. I'm through w/ my history minor, so no more classes that require me to read 80+ pages a night and write large papers. I've got 3 telecomm classes and a Classical Greek Mythology class lined up. Hopefully, I'll be able to spend more time working on film projects and less time trudging through books. Although it's going to suck since Stecker, my favorite telecomm teacher, has retired. Hopefully the lady that replaced him will turn out to be good.
Things I've Learned at Work
1. Hold my shots longer
2. Don't drop the camera on Kaitlyn
3. Wear a jacket in the arctic edit bays
Posted by
12:40 PM