Saturday, April 09, 2005

The city never sleeps for you and I

I have a new favorite band: Cartel, from out of Atlanta. You can find them here. Great stuff. Forker turned me onto them.. they are his buddies from high school. How freaking nuts is that, eh? EH!?

Lots of stuff has happened since the last update.

Cool Stuff About Last Week

Finished "Ninja Pins" - What a great feeling. I wrote the script to this short film last semester for a writing class and then this semester I actually get to direct it. It's cool to actually take something like that from its inception to its conclusion. Hopefully one day I can get a copy of it online. It is approximately 8 minutes in final length.
Visited my fiancee - Went to Rome and visited my woman. While my visit was short, fun was had by all. KT was helping head up "90's Weekend," which meant that there were a ton of events all centered around 90's stuff. Movies, a dance, scavenger hunts, etc. It was cute. I'm going again this weekend and I'll be able to stay longer this time.

Those are the only cool things I can think about right now. A ton of stuff has happened, but mainly things associated with work or school. I've never been this busy before in my life. Honestly, 2 or 3 days go by without me sitting down and having much relaxation time with friends or a video game or whatever. Class/work, dinner, homework till sleep. Luckily, summer break is approaching fast. Hopefully his car won't break down on the way here.