... cannot be understated.
So much has been going on lately, it's insane.
Cool Things Since Last Update
KT visiting me, me visiting KT
Completed a 2.5 minute short film entitled "Reflections"
Received good grades on several assignments
Completed "Zelda: The Wind Waker" in a total of 21 hours over the span of 5 days
Now, we have come to the end of the semester and, in a sense, the end of a distinct period in my life. For the past three years, I have lived on campus. Up to this point, I have had certain responsibilities such as cleaning a bathroom, etc. done for me on a regular basis. However, in less than a week, I am moving to an apartment where I will be responsible for cleaning, paying bills, keeping up with rent, etc. And while it's real cool that J will remain my roommate, it sucks that it's looking like Moxa will not be rooming with us. I know his prospective job in Gwinnett pays more $$$, but I'm a selfish bastard.
Anyway, tomorrow our room will undergo a rather huge change. The following items will leave our room: two lofts, a futon, a TV stand (and various game consoles), refridgerator, microwave.
Found an interesting website over on expectnothing. It allows you to create your own South Park character. I created the following:

I find it hilarious.