Birthday Haul includes:
$130 from various family members
Prince of Persia 2: Warrior Within (PS2)
Georgia Bulldogs throw blanket
Two World War II books
Christmas Haul includes:
LaCie 160GB portable harddrive with FireWire support
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
4-disc special edition box set (DVD)
Spiderman 2 (DVD)
Dawn of the Dead: Director's Cut (DVD)
Star Wars edition (DVD)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
Shadow Hearts: Covenant (PS2)
Another World War II book
Approximately $35 in gift cards (Best Buy, Blockbuster)
Several shirts and some pants.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Birthday and Christmas Haul
Posted by
8:15 PM
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Mi dia ultima de trabajo
>Well, today was my final day of working at the video store. I've been keeping a sort of mini-journal of the interesting nights at work over on the Chaser forums. I'll import them over here someday so they'll be an easier to manage collection.
I'm excited about working at my new job. It is here on campus (right across the street) and is practically the perfect job that I could have as an undergraduate. I'll be working for an office here at the university that films lectures for professors to use in their curriculums, as well as filming and editing short promotional videos for the university in general. My supervisors seem like awesome people, and I can't wait to work with them.
But yeah, my last night at work at the video store was pretty funny. I didn't really care very much, so I basically just watched some movies. The funniest moment of the night involved my manager and this thug-looking guy. The conversation went like this (ver batum):
Manager: *opens member's account* Sir, it seems that you have about $30 in late fees.
Guy: What? From when?
Manager: February of 2000, sir.
Guy: Man, that ain't right. I was in jail in 2000.
Manager: Uhhh...
Guy: It had to have been one of my babys' mamas.
Manager: ......
It took all of my self control to keep from laughing. Hilarious.
Posted by
1:12 AM
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Late night smackdown
So after working on a paper for about an hour, I was mentally done at 11:30pm last night. So I hopped on BF and started working some magic.
First up: Berlin as Axis. Without using my exploit, I ended up going 22-22-9. At one point, I went through and killed about 7 guys before being killed myself. I was chucking nades with my fists and spitting bullets with my teeth, it was insanity. Axis ended up winning by 6 tickets. GG, allies.
Second up: Bocage as Axis. Had alot of fun on this one. I can't remember my score, but I was an engineer for the majority of the match. I concentrated on keeping the south bridge mined and ex-packed in the face of enemy armor. I distinctly remember dodging every bullet shot at me by a medic, dropping to one knee, and putting a .30 bullet through him. It was nice. I also saw an idiot sniper named RAVAGE go off to some god-forsaken building in the middle of nowhere, so I decided to follow him. I go inside the house and knife him as he is looking out a window. I'm walking back to the main lines, he comes after me (still a sniper). I kill him again. I take his sniping pack and lie down to snipe at the main Allied base. After a couple seconds, I see someone running straight at me. It's Ravage again. Oh no... *SNIPE* He drops again. He ends up coming after me in a tank and that's how he kills me. Idiot. Axis wins by 100+ tickets.
Last up: Market Garden as Allied. Now, I switched servers for this one and when I get in, the allies are being demolished. They're down 100+ tickets and they're still bleeding as the Axis have all the flags. So I parachute down and promptly capture the stone bridge. Too bad my entire freaking team refuses to spawn there and defend it! Everyone keeps spawning at the airfield where the do absolutely no good. So we lose the Stone Bridge. Alright, I'll try the Steel Bridge. Same results: I cap it, no one helps me, we lose it. At one point, a Tiger tank started chasing me and, as the driver was unable to kill me, he got out of his tank to do the job himself. Big mistake. So I snag the tank and use it against them. About 10 minutes later, the game ends with an Allied victory. Go me.
Tonight's record: 3-0 with 1 silver medal (Berlin) and 1 gold medal (Market Garden)
Posted by
11:16 AM
Monday, December 06, 2004
Battlefield Exploits
Battlefield hasn't been very fun today. EA just released the 1.61 patch a couple days ago and not many servers have updated to it yet. As a result, Moxa and I had to stick to some crappy servers with horrible pings.
We tried Battleaxe, and that didn't work out so well. Horrible ping+retarded teammates = Not much fun.
So we tried a Husky map that was moderately better. When we entered the game, the British were already in trouble, having only captured the beach flag. So I snuck through the hills on the edge of the map and took the heavy tank flag near the bridge. As it went gray, the giant BF110 plane went on a bombing run which I avoided. His copilot also bailed to kill me, but I took that fool out. I capped the point and all seemed like it would work out well. Unfortunately, the team here sucked as well. Gah. We took a couple other points, but the Axis kept stealing our equipment from the beach. Combine that with the fact that the damn plane kept raping us, and it just became a headache.
Posted by
2:06 PM