I am a big fan of almost everything Google provides as a service. It is my main, primary search engine. I use Google Maps when I'm trying to get the directions for a trip. I use Google Calendar to schedule many of the things going on in my life. Froogle is a great tool for making shopping/wish lists, which I can then share with friends and family who ask for ideas on what to get me for birthdays or Christmas. GoogleDocs is a nice little feature that acts as a sort of online Microsoft Office suite - it can handle text, spreadsheets, and possibly even Powerpoint presentations. And, of course, Gmail acts as my main email account.
However, perhaps my favorite Google App is Google Reader. I like to think about it as a sort of newspaper that only gives me the stuff I care about. If I find a website or blog interesting, I just add it to my Google Reader. And everytime that website is updated, it is automatically brought into Google Reader for me to check out. So, when I wake up in the morning, I have nice series of articles to read. Here's a list of the stuff I subscribe to.
Megan with the Egg Sound - A friend and former co-worker of mine who has moved out to Los Angeles. Her little page here is a good way to keep up to date on what she's doing, and how close she currently is to conquering the movie industry.
Carrieoke's Knitting Blog - A friend and CURRENT co-worker of mine. It's mainly a blog dedicated to her knitting, but she sometimes writes about personal stuff. Apparently, this blog has been around for years and has gained quite a following in that time. Seriously, hundreds of people read her blog. She's a superstar.
From Paper to Polygon's - My friend Slamin's blog. It's kind of funny- he first started his blog with the purpose of writing just random stuff every once in awhile. He didn't want it to become a journal entry sort of blog. But now, that is what it is! Hooray!
Lady Homebody - My wife's new blog. She writes about just about anything. Check it out.
The d20Blonde - My friend Liz's blog. I've actually never met her, though we first met online when I was 13 or 14. She's a cool chick. She claims to be the "Most Popular Girl on the Internet." She should update more often.
the spaces between - Friend of mine from high school. She hasn't updated in awhile either unfortunately.
Twenty-Something - My friend Greer's blog. She is also new to the blogging world, and so far she's done a good job of writing funny little stories of her life. She also just learned she's pregnant, so I'm sure the blog will start talking more about that soon.
Shrink Rapping - Greer's dad's blog. He's a psychatrist, and an incredibly intelligent/witty guy.
Video Copilot - A website dedicated to providing After Effects tutorials. GREAT website for those interested in that software. The host is very easy to follow, and they have tutorials ranging in difficulty from beginner all the way up to pro.
xkcd - A comic that comes out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's usually a very geeky comic, and sometimes some of the math/computer programming jokes are over my head, but man- most of the time it's hilarious. Check it out, and don't forget to mouse over the image to get the alt text!
Expect Nothing! - this is a page I've been following since probably 1999 or so. The guy who runs it used to run a Warcraft II, then Starcraft site. He actually began using his page as a blog LONG before it became popular or common place. He's always got fun links to check out.
Overseen in Athens - Pictures that people take in Athens, GA. Some hilarious shots in there. Some of the pictures are of things I have actually seen myself around town.
Overheard in Athens - People post quotes that they have heard while in Athens. Most of these are from UGA's campus or downtown.
PostSecret - People from all over the country anonymously send their secrets written on postcards to this guy in Germantown, MD who then posts them on his site. Some are funny, some are sad, and great deal are ohhh soooooo dramatic.
Jeff Owens: The Real Deal - A blog kept by current senior Georgia Bulldog Jeff Owens. He writes about the football program from the inside. He's a very articulate writer. Keep up the great work Jeff.
Georgia Sports Blog - Kind of self-explanatory, doncha think?
Get the Picture - Focuses solely on college football, with a decidedly Georgia lean. Great place to hear about what is going on both in the UGA program, as well as around the country.
Hey Jenny Slater - This guy doesn't really go into the strategies/match rundown of college sports- he writes from a fan's perspective. He's a Bulldawg through and through, and he's absolutely hilarious. In the offseason, his posts about politics, women, and Legoland are all top notch.

However, perhaps my favorite Google App is Google Reader. I like to think about it as a sort of newspaper that only gives me the stuff I care about. If I find a website or blog interesting, I just add it to my Google Reader. And everytime that website is updated, it is automatically brought into Google Reader for me to check out. So, when I wake up in the morning, I have nice series of articles to read. Here's a list of the stuff I subscribe to.
Megan with the Egg Sound - A friend and former co-worker of mine who has moved out to Los Angeles. Her little page here is a good way to keep up to date on what she's doing, and how close she currently is to conquering the movie industry.
Carrieoke's Knitting Blog - A friend and CURRENT co-worker of mine. It's mainly a blog dedicated to her knitting, but she sometimes writes about personal stuff. Apparently, this blog has been around for years and has gained quite a following in that time. Seriously, hundreds of people read her blog. She's a superstar.
From Paper to Polygon's - My friend Slamin's blog. It's kind of funny- he first started his blog with the purpose of writing just random stuff every once in awhile. He didn't want it to become a journal entry sort of blog. But now, that is what it is! Hooray!
Lady Homebody - My wife's new blog. She writes about just about anything. Check it out.
The d20Blonde - My friend Liz's blog. I've actually never met her, though we first met online when I was 13 or 14. She's a cool chick. She claims to be the "Most Popular Girl on the Internet." She should update more often.
the spaces between - Friend of mine from high school. She hasn't updated in awhile either unfortunately.
Twenty-Something - My friend Greer's blog. She is also new to the blogging world, and so far she's done a good job of writing funny little stories of her life. She also just learned she's pregnant, so I'm sure the blog will start talking more about that soon.
Shrink Rapping - Greer's dad's blog. He's a psychatrist, and an incredibly intelligent/witty guy.
Video Copilot - A website dedicated to providing After Effects tutorials. GREAT website for those interested in that software. The host is very easy to follow, and they have tutorials ranging in difficulty from beginner all the way up to pro.
xkcd - A comic that comes out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's usually a very geeky comic, and sometimes some of the math/computer programming jokes are over my head, but man- most of the time it's hilarious. Check it out, and don't forget to mouse over the image to get the alt text!
Expect Nothing! - this is a page I've been following since probably 1999 or so. The guy who runs it used to run a Warcraft II, then Starcraft site. He actually began using his page as a blog LONG before it became popular or common place. He's always got fun links to check out.
Overseen in Athens - Pictures that people take in Athens, GA. Some hilarious shots in there. Some of the pictures are of things I have actually seen myself around town.
Overheard in Athens - People post quotes that they have heard while in Athens. Most of these are from UGA's campus or downtown.
PostSecret - People from all over the country anonymously send their secrets written on postcards to this guy in Germantown, MD who then posts them on his site. Some are funny, some are sad, and great deal are ohhh soooooo dramatic.
Jeff Owens: The Real Deal - A blog kept by current senior Georgia Bulldog Jeff Owens. He writes about the football program from the inside. He's a very articulate writer. Keep up the great work Jeff.
Georgia Sports Blog - Kind of self-explanatory, doncha think?
Get the Picture - Focuses solely on college football, with a decidedly Georgia lean. Great place to hear about what is going on both in the UGA program, as well as around the country.
Hey Jenny Slater - This guy doesn't really go into the strategies/match rundown of college sports- he writes from a fan's perspective. He's a Bulldawg through and through, and he's absolutely hilarious. In the offseason, his posts about politics, women, and Legoland are all top notch.