Babies are crazy. The sheer idea that I'm a dad now throws me for a loop now every time I really think about it. I have a daughter. The idea is just so incredibly foreign. But cool at the same time.
Baby Thoughts
- Sleep is a precious, precious thing. I knew that babies are a lot of work. I've heard from other parents how rough night time is with a newborn. I'd read baby books full of tips on how to cope with lack of sleep. Man, it sure is different when you're actually going through it and not simply reading it. This is coming from a person who really has never had any issues with sleep like insomnia, night terrors, etc. So I had kind of just taken sleep for granted. NEVER AGAIN!
- Doing all of this without the support of family and friends sure would be rough. Luckily, both sets of grandparents have been incredibly generous with their time/money. Thank you parents, you guys are awesome.
- My baby is grunty. Whenever she finishes nursing (especially at night), she will go through a period of about 15-20 minutes where she is grunting really loudly. I think she's trying to fart or something. Sometimes it gets so rough that KT actually has to leave the room so she can get some sleep. Luckily, I can sleep through it =D
- Toothless smiles really are the best smiles. I've only seen a couple of them so far (hey, she's only 3 weeks old), but the ones I have experienced have been great!
- Laying on your bed with a sleeping baby on your chest = one of the best things ever.
- My baby is seriously lacking in the "other children her age department." I'm afraid she'll grow up without any friends. Somebody needs to step it up.
- Baby poop is yellow. Like straight up yellow mustard. It's a bit distressing sometimes. If I didn't know it was supposed to be like that, I probably would have called the nuclear power station and asked if we could use my child's poop for fuel.
- Babies do not like hard rock music. I thought I'd try it. It didn't work. =(
- The stress that comes along with having a newborn baby in the house doesn't just affect the parents. It affects the dog. And oh boy does it affect Bauer. I took him to the dog park about 2 weeks after SK was born.. it was his first trip to the park in probably 5 months at least. Looking back on it, it was too much of a shock to his system. He'd only had limited exposure to other dogs during that time. So of course he picked up a stomach bug while we were there. Stomach bug + Baby stress = Explosive diarrhea & vomiting blood. My dog is a mess... and now so is my carpet. =|