I was just watching some stuff on Youtube on my lunch break, and I came across a couple movie/television clips from the past that have really stuck with me through the years. For various reasons, these moments had an impact on me.
My apologies for lack of English. You get the idea.
This is from a scene near the end of probably my favorite movie of all time, Back to the Future. In the scene before this, Marty's attempt to unite his parents for their first kiss and eventual life together appears to have finally worked. His father, George, knocked out the school bully, finally proving to himself that he had the courage and determination to act like a man and go after what he wants... Lorraine. However, in this scene, George loses this new found self-confidence and, as a result, is about to lose Lorraine. Marty's parents aren't going to be together, and Marty is fading away. Just as all seems lost, George steps back up and gets his girl. This moment, which takes place at the 55 second mark, is orchestrated absolutely beautifully. Everything comes together perfectly: the cinematography (it's a beautiful shot), the music (building to a crescendo and just letting loose), the singer's voice/lyrics.. it's great. I remember thinking to myself "Wow!" when I first watched this movie as a child. I've seen the film too many times to count- really. But this moment always has an impact on me. I get goosebumps everytime.
This is really the only scene I remember from Pinocchio. When I was maybe.. 3 or 4, my parents let me rent this movie every weekend for an entire month. That's how much I loved this movie. However, this one scene absolutely terrified me. Monstro the Whale had swallowed Pinocchio and Gepetto. Their only plan for escape was to start a fire in the whale's mouth, thereby causing him to cough/sneeze them out. Just watching this again scares the crap out of me.
Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society... I call this story... the Tale that Makes BPW Pee in his pants. I loved this show when I was about 10-12 (also known as the Awkward Years... which, now that I think about it, should really extend to age 15 or so). I actually couldn't find the clip of the episode that stuck with me the most. That episode was about a restaurant that served a very delicious soup. Nobody knew that the secret ingredient was a liquid drop of fear. The restaurant owner extracted the fear from people by using a magical gargoyle statue that would force people to face their worst fears. As the person screamed and tried to get away, the Gargoyle statue would then drain a life force from them. At the end of the episode, the main character gets trapped in a room with the gargoyle as the restaurant owner laughs maniacally. Really freaky. Since I couldn't find that episode.. here is one about clowns. I remember this episode pretty vividly as well. Of course, it has a crazy scary clown. There's no way a scary clown video won't stay with me.

Anyway, that is just a few of the things I remember pretty distinctly from my childhood. I'll probably do this again at some point. It was pretty fun.
EDIT: I found the clip of the Are You Afraid of the Dark episode I was looking for. Here it is.
Oh yeah. Call of Duty: World at War is AWESOME.