Wow, my 25th birthday was freaking AWESOME. List of swag is as follows:
- From the wife
- Pillow - I'm quite particular about my pillows when I have a choice in the matter. I like them firm. Unfortunately, the wife has stolen all the pillows to place around herself come bedtime. Pregnant women need their pillows. So she got me my own pillow. I have since installed a high security, electric fence around it. It's mine.... my... precious.
- The Dark Knight on DVD - We saw this in the theater when it first came out and I loved it. It is definitely in my Top 10 Movies list. The acting, pacing, plot twists, visuals.. everything about it is amazing.
- A tea maker - BPW loves his sweet tea. I get it whenever I eat out somewhere, as that is the only time I'm really ever going to be able to drink it. But now I can make it in my own kitchen! HI FIVE! I haven't tried it out yet, but I'm excited. Tea whenever I want.. wowsers.
- From Slamin and his wife, a 3 month subscription to Netflix. This is awesome. I've never had Netflix before and ever since the Xbox was updated with the ability to stream Netflix at any time, I've been wanting to try it out. Well, thanks to J, now I can! We fired it up and watched The Sphere last night. The service was absolutely 100% perfect. Very easy to setup and select movies, perfect quality digital stream on the Xbox. Really, it was like watching a DVD. Wow. A++++++ Would buy from again.
- From Moxa and his girlfriend, 1600 Microsoft points for the Xbox. Super cool. I already spent them actually. I bought BC: Rearmed and 4 additional maps for Call of Duty 4. BC: Rearmed is alot of fun so far. It really takes me back to the feel of the old NES games. The game is hard! It doesn't hold your hand- you have to figure things out for yourself. For example, I went tried to infiltrate a cave, but it was dark. I couldn't see anything. But the game didn't stop me from entering. I'm pretty sure that I could have actually beaten the level if I knew my way around. But since I didn't, no way that was going to happen.
- $15 Target gift card from Meglet. Thanks Meglet! I have no idea what I'm going to spend it on yet, but whatever it is, it will be awesome.
- My parents went a little nuts! They got me a full-year subscription to Gamefly! WOW. Totally unexpected. An entire year.. I'm actually going to be able to play all the great games that came out this past year! Gears of War 2, Fallout 3.. wow. I can't wait!

Oh.. and don't forget this amazing system seller.
But really, my birthday was awesome. A co-worker took me out to lunch, wife and I got to eat at Olive Garden that night. A great start to what is definitely going to be a huge year for me. 39 days until baby. HOLY CRAP!