The following pictures are from the 2008 UGA-Alabama game at Sanford Stadium.

Me and the Men's Basketball SEC Championship trophy.
The following pictures are from the 2008 UGA-Alabama game at Sanford Stadium.
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3:43 PM
This past weekend, we went up to Charlotte, NC for the baby shower with the wife's family. Her parents, aunts, cousins, and sister were all there. I took Friday off of work (HELLO BENEFITS, I LOVE YOU) and we drove up. After farting around (literally...) in a fabric store looking for stuff for the baby's room, we got ready to have dinner. Only.. the power suddenly went out. Whaa? Turns out a tanker truck went off the road and took out a telephone pole with power lines attached to it. The accident ended up knocking out power to a fairly LARGE area of Charlotte for over 5 HOURS. Admittedly, I've never lived in a big city before. Athens is the largest place I've ever lived.. but it seems to me that losing power for that long in a major city like Charlotte is a pretty big deal. Naturally, we were unable to cook dinner (pork tenderloin, oh how I missed you), so we took to the streets in search of a eatery that still had power. At this point, we didn't know power was out across the city. Traffic lights were out, and very few people were obeying the traffic laws. It was pretty hilarious seeing all these city folk get REALLY angry at one another. After driving for about 15 minutes, we made it to a powered part of town and ate at Showmar's. I had a chicken gyro that was awesome! Everyone else got fish. They suck.
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4:06 PM
Labels: Baby, family, football, Georgia Bulldogs
As with almost every blog ever started, I went on a break. It wasn't really intentional- I just stopped writing. I've continued to play games and such of course, and life has really swung into gear.
Wife and I found out in late May/early June that she was pregnant. She called me at work and told me that she had bought a home pregnancy test and it turned out positive. I don't remember much of our conversation, but I'm sure it consisted of quite a bit of silence and "Uhhhhh..."s and "REALLY?!"s. I do distinctly remember getting tunnel vision and not being able to focus my eyes on anything in front of me. Good thing I was sitting down when she called. We went to the University health center where they did a more thorough test which confirmed the at home test's result. Wife and I looked at each other- "Holy crap, we're gonna have a baby."
The past few months have been very babyrific. We've completely reorganized the office by getting rid of my old college futon and college entertainment center(to sister-in-law), my N64 and wall length desk (to Slamin), and a bunch of stuff to Goodwill. We needed even more room, so we started selling books on I had no idea how many books we had, or their worth! In about 2 months, we sold well over $450 worth of books. Heck. Yes. The office is currently in the process of being turned into a nursery. Other than a daybed to replace the futon, we haven't really gotten any big pieces of furniture yet. But there will be a crib, dresser/changing table, and other assorted goodies.
Football has started up again, and the Dawgs are 2-0 and are ranked #2 in the country. Their first two games (against Georgia Southern and Central Michigan) were pretty much blowouts. The second game featured this incredible display of athleticism.
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2:23 PM
Labels: Baby, Georgia Bulldogs, Life, Videogames